Monday, February 28, 2011


Let me illustrate the discrepancy of the Modern and POMO views with the multiplication tables. For the Modern, the multiplication tables are a system of truth. That means that the Modern does not worry about the validity of the system (the rightness of the multiplication tables), because he already subscribes to the logic of the tables (aka, the system itself). The Modern, therefore, largely concerns himself with the soundness of his answers or with correlating facts within the system itself (if 0 x 0 = 0, then 0 x 1 = 0). Such certainty is vital to the Modern, because he can make valid projections if certain answers are undoubtedly right and certain others are undoubtedly wrong. Because his generation’s problem is not with the system itself, all he has to do is merely to correlate the proper information within that system.

For the Modern, memorization aids his systematic reliability. Partly for that reason the Modern had a good education. You must understand that when prayer was officially banned from public schools, public education did not deteriorate because of the new manifestation of the atheistic world-view. That Supreme Court decision to “ban” God was only another manifestation of the Modern world-view that had existed for almost two hundred years.

In addition, the response by Christians to “get God back into public education” was equally an atheistic impulse. Why? Because the atheistic public believed that God could—through human effort—be banned from the secular world, and the Christian Church—which should have known better—believed that God could—through human effort—be put back into the secular world! Both subscribed to the Modern atheistic dichotomy that either God totally does not exist (atheism) or that He partially does not exist (sacred-secular distinction).

This Modern atheistic position amongst Christians, I would argue, is largely responsible for the POMO’s rejection of logical systems. The Modern concept of truth relies heavily upon logical systems but allows for the suspension of that system at the will of the individual. When you begin to notice that the Modern concept of truth was relativistic in this way and not objective, then you will begin to understand why logical systems are not reliable for the POMO: every “objective” system has a man behind it.

For example, the moral failures of certain public figureheads in the Christian community during the 1980s—men who publicly preached the systematic truths of Christianity while privately suspending (breaking) the systems themselves—make my point exactly. Those figureheads did not subject themselves to the tenets of the “system”, volitionally admit their faults and step down—which the Biblical system that they flouted demanded they should do. Rather, they chose to remain within the system and to preach the system while all along breaking it. Adherence to religious or “secular” logical systems for the POMO is ultimately submission to the arbitrary will of an individual. It does not matter if the secularist is the proverbial God-awful atheist humping a baboon or if the secularist is a cool, Christian youth minister who has tattoed himself to be relavant. The POMO will reject the bifurcation of the sacred from the secular. Period.

For all I have said about the POMO rejecting systems, his is a generation addicted to technological systems. Is this a discrepancy? I do no think so. POMOS do not reject Microsoft per se. They reject Bill Gates. Why? Because Bill Gates is back of Microsoft. Microsoft cannot manipulate because it is a system subject to Bill Gates. Bill Gates can manipulate because he is the intelligent designer of Microsoft. Although Bill Gates created what looks like a system, that “system” is a mechanistic expression of his own arbitrary design which is not to be taken more seriously than it should be. Microsoft, as a system made by a man, is a game. It is a frame. Understand this!

For the POMO, learning the multiplication tables is doubly difficult than it was for the Modern because the POMO concerns himself both 1) with the logical reliability (validity) of the numerical system and 2) with the rightness of the individual answers. The Modern has only to concern himself with the rightness of the individual answers (3 x 3 = 9) and not with the truthfulness or with the logical reliability of the system (Is 3 really 3, and if so, then why?). The POMO thinks, "Are the multiplication tables a game or the truth? What man came up with the multiplication tables? Why did he come up with them? Was he a good man or a bad man? Were he a good man, what did he mean by coming up with the tables? Were he a bad man, what is he trying to do to me? Can I rely upon the tables? Can a I rely upon this man?"

Modern parents look at me in disbelief when I explain that this subconscious thought process is the crux of their child’s academic dilemma. Being materialistic because of their heavy atheistic culture, Moderns tend to see academic problems as the outgrowth of nutritional deficiencies, genetic inheritance, or any physical predisposition. Rarely do they see academic problems as a moral deficiency. Because the POMO does not subscribe to a mechanistic reliability of logical systems, he fundamentally doubts the reliability of the multiplication tables. Why? Because memorizing the tables is hard? No. He does not believe in the multiplication tables because he does not believe that objective systems are infallible when he knows that every system must be flawed because it has a man behind it. If he is naturally bent to be independent, he will typically flounder in the system because he will allow no one to tinker with him. If he is not naturally bent to be independent, he will typically imbibe what he is given to his ultimate spiritual confusion and undoing.

Because he is not certain about what makes the tables true, he will have one of two broad tendencies: 1) he will be reluctant to commit the tables to memory and will suffer from short-term memory loss or related information gaps in his thinking (ADD, ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, etc.) or 2) he will temporarily suspend the moral dilemma he has with the tables and will wholeheartedly commit the tables to memory.

Because of the future with which he has to live, I would argue that it is preferable that the POMO do the former by wrestling with his moral dilemma. By wrestling with the logical reliability of logical systems, he wrestles with the spiritual obstacle to faith of his own generation. The obstacle to faith for this generation is that Christian children, the children of Christian families, and children who have grown up in the Christian Western Hemisphere do not believe that the God of the Bible is the only Final Reality. And if they do, it is not in the same way that their Modern parents frame it. This is what I mean by calling these children POMOS.

Educational and medical establishments increasingly seek to address this moral faithlessness with medication because they attribute the heightened nervous activity of POMOS almost totally to physical predispositions—not to profound moral insecurities. Educational forums no longer liberate students to think about truth, because they no longer appeal to the classical flow of cause-and-effect. They cannot appeal to it because they have undermined its foundational support which is rooted in a certainty beyond artificial system.

I would argue that both private and public school forums, insofar as they subscribe to Modern ideology, tend to teach by indoctrination and imposition. As a result, education bypasses logical flow and emphasizes arbitrary contexts. Arbitrary contexts can only be memorized; they cannot be reasoned. Virtually all that a student must learn in school today he must memorize apart from proper associations because he does not have the faith and/or contingent intellectual faculties to make logical associations.

Educational forums are not designed to encourage students to think about truth. They are designed to insinuate academic proficiency. Insinuating academic proficiency is nothing but a continuation of the Modern value of a fixation upon the short-term, the artificially quantifiable. However, Modernism is no longer relevant in our world. It is a dinosaur and does not communicate to the POMO.

POMO absurdity is an intentional distortion by POMOS of Modern logical reliability. That is why anything labeled “post-modern” for its farfetchedness could also be labeled “cynical.” It does not matter if it is language, politics, economics, science or media, the POMO rages against the machine in such an unsystematic way that the Modern writes him off as completely absurd. That is a foolish move on the part of the Modern, because the nonsense of the POMO is rapidly replacing the sensibilities of the Modern. POMO absurdity is the new logic.

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