Monday, February 28, 2011


Perhaps, it is important to now relate the POMO cultural aspiration to absurdity to the Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg's Law (1927) says that when it comes to quantifying a minimum of two measurements, it is impossible to calculate both to high precision within the same system at the same time in the same way. It is only possible to calibrate the system to one measurement at a time. To try to calibrate both at the same time would result in inaccurate measurements.

This elastic nature no longer allows the system to be traditionally viewed as a fixed frame. The illusion of the "absolute" disturbs the Modern who has been oriented to the rigidity of systems and who frankly would be hindered from functioning if he is not allowed his categorical frames in which to operate.

Just as the Modern subscribed to the uniformity of natural causes in a closed system, the POMO subscribes to the uniformity of natural causes in an open system. What that means is that the natural world (or physical portion) is not all that exists. A final reality of which we are unaware exists outside the physical universe and "interferes" with it of its own will and according to its own rules. Therefore, that final reality makes all of the difference in the world in the determination of which facts are right or wrong.

So the POMO's paradigm is bent to be antagonistic towards the mechanistic (the machine portion of the universe), because it believes there is something greater than mechanics to which all things are oriented. If you do not understand this point, then you will be lost when it comes to understanding the absurd communication forms of this generation. The POMO has an ambiguous uniformity, the illusion of a natural world, and an “openness” that cannot rightfully be called a system because so many nebulous factors play into it so that no one is ever sure to get them all right at any given time. So everyone everywhere is always theoretically right and always theoretically wrong. Anything is possible if you give it enough time and if you let interplay enough factors.

Because the POMO affirms that a final reality exists outside the natural world and that it is beyond the full comprehension of man, the POMO refrains from making absolute judgments about the nature of that final reality. He will speculate, but he will not make an absolute judgment. A variety of opinions exists as to what that final reality is. He does not rely upon one logical system but keeps many logical system options open-ended. Variety, or tolerance, is the Achilles heel of the POMO.

Steve Carell's THE OFFICE is also a brilliant illustration of POMO parody of the open system. Michael Scott is forever interrupting the effective systematic flow of the [[Dunder Mifflin Paper Company]]. Though company protocol has been established and procedure is at his dispense, Michael Scott injects his own disruptive "solutions" to problems for which the management system has already provided. What is the result of each episode after Michael Scott's meddling? Human bonding. Human connection. Something the system cannot in its best of moments achieve.

The POMO does not commit to one system because he has no certainty in the presence of other conflicting contexts that his particular system is right. By not being committed to one system, he remains open to all. In a nutshell, this quality is what I mean by “post-modern.”

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